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Common Symptoms of B12 deficiency




Atrophy of muscles (muscle wasting/loss of muscle tone)

Balance - vertigo - bumping into things - lack of balance


of stomach/hands/feet

Bladder/Bowel issuesConstipation/ Diarrhoea / unable to control either function / retention

Breathlessness – also known as the sighs

Burning in – hands, fingers, arms, feet, legs, mouth,

Chronic persistent cough

Ears – tinnutis

Feelings of ear infection or water-logged

Exhaustion / Tiredness

Flu like symptoms

Glands swollen

Hair loss/ premature greying

Facial pain down one side of face


Headaches/pressure in head

Lack of clarity – unable to find everyday words or muddling words and difficulty with remembering

Lack of concentration /ability to focus

Memory loss


Jaundice – pale yellow discolouration to skin tone

Difficulty swallowing

Sore tongue

Loss of taste/ strange taste in mouth


Nails – discoloured, flaking, ridged


Numbness / lack of sensation in feet, fingers, toes and other body areas including lack of grip

Palpitations/racing heartbeat

Irregular PAP smears ie dysplasia

Menstrual irregularities

Ovarian cysts

Pain – across clavicle, ears, chest, facial, headache, neck, back and down spine, bone and joint pain, feet and toes, hips, legs, general muscle ache, under left rib, often on one side of body only, stomach – abdominal cramps and discomfort including bloating

Pins and needles – arms, fingers, hands, feet, legs, face. Includes restless legs and cramps

Skin – dry, eczema like patches, rubbery skin, red patches, spots and boils

Sinus infections

Sleep disorders and difficulty sleeping although exhausted. Waking after excessive sleep still exhausted. Difficulty staying asleep. Insomnia, sleeping all the time.

Stiffness /spasms/ tremors in arms, back, feet, hands, legs

Temperature control issues – too hot, too cold and swinging between both extremes

Unexplained anxiety, nervousness, jumpiness for no reason.

Vibrations – strange buzzing in limbs

Vision blurred, loss of sight either side, double vision, colour blindness,  night blindness, eyes twitching

Weight gain/loss






B12deficiency and affects on brain and central nervous system











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